Start of Term 2024/2025
I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the arrangements for students to return in September - see details below.
• Tuesday 3rd September: Y7 and Y12 induction day (no other year group on site) - Y7 students to arrive in school for 8.30am House teams meet & greet Y7 in Dining Hall and escort to Hall for assembly. - Y12 students to arrive in school between 9.45am and 10.10am and report to the Dining Hall at 10.15am with appropriate clothes for team building/assault course.
• Wednesday 4th September: all year groups will be in school apart from Y12, staggered start as per details below:
8.30am: Y7, Y8 and Y9 arrive to report to tutors in form rooms
10.10am: Y10 to report to tutors in form rooms at 10.15am
10.10am: Y11 to go to Assembly at 10.15am
10.10am: Y13 to report to tutors in form rooms at 10.15am.
Note: all year groups will be in school as normal on Thursday 5th September.
All students should be dressed in their full school uniform.