Phoenix Collegiate


The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Team at Phoenix has responsibility for supporting students with a wide variety of individual needs.  We work hard with teachers, parents / carers, outside agencies and, most importantly, students to create a positive environment of success, independence and achievement.

Phoenix is an inclusive school and aims to offer a range of provisions to support students with communication and interaction, cognition and learning difficulties, social and emotional health difficulties, or sensory / physical needs.

A key element of success is the support, guidance and aspirations of parents / carers; we work collaboratively with parents / carers to secure the best outcomes for all of our students.

We aim to keep parents / carers up-to-date with your SEND students' needs and developments in school, and involve students and parents / carers in any decision making process.

If you wish to discuss any SEND matters related to Phoenix, as either a parent / carer, prospective parent or a student, you can book a meeting with Ms. B. Osbourne or Dr. B. Burrows-Pym, our school SENDCos, on 0121 588 8384.  Ms. B. Osbourne and / or Dr. B. Burrows-Pym are also available at Parents Evening, coffee mornings and other school events.

  • The SEND Information Report can be found here.
  • The Local Offer can be found here.
  • The Accessibility Plan can be found here.

SEND (ID 1287)