Phoenix Collegiate

Physical Education

Why should you study PE

This is a compulsory part of the curriculum and students will take part in two hours a week. Plus any extra curricular activites.


Career Options

A variety of careers such as coaching and teaching in sport but the main aim is to enable students to continue to take part in sport independently and for the rest of their lives to be healthy.


What else could you get out of PE?

Physical education develops pupils' competence and confidence to take part in a range of activities. It helps students develop personally and socially working as individuals and as part of a group. They develop concepts such as fairness and resilience. It helps to develop a wide range of skills and the ability to use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas to perform successfully.  Students find this is a good way to de-stress from the pressure of exams.


How is the course assessed?

Some of the activities that students take part in include; Football, Netball, Dance, Table Tennis, Gymnastics, Fitness, Badminton, Basketball, Handball, Tag Rugby, Athletics, Rounders, Cricket and Handball. Some students will take a leadership qualification.


Attitudes to Learning

A positive attitude and a willingness to have a go. Kit is required for every lesson and even if a student has a medical reason they will still be required to take part in another role such as a leader, coaching, and as an official.



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